When My Story is Not a Secret
Entries About Stuff Linkies

Wednesday 28 August 2013 | 08:31 | 0 Kawaii ?

Assalamualaikum dear readers.
Nur Muharrieffah Azuana, her full name. Best student and the most cool people. She is my bestfriend and also like my sister. She's have a good voice,nice,kind,cool, and simply proud to be herself. Muharrieffah, atau nama panggilannya Efah. Mama kasitau dia pindah Mrsm. Hmm. When i hear my mom saying that, i feel down. Even baru kenal dia 8 bulan. Padahal baru saja dia cakap "Aku macam mau rapat sudah sma diorang." Unduk bha,baru saja c Efah mau b'rapat2 sma class 1Rafllesia. Lepastu, dia tidak bagitau kami yang dia pindah Mrsm Sandakan. Kalau dia pindah, kelas 1Rafflesia tinggal 23 orang.
Azuana, I hope you can read this. You know what? I miss u. Noo, not me but We. *Im sad but at the same time im angry.* Why u dont tell us before u go?! Kesian laa c siti tuu. Kita sudah janji mau ikut english fest, kuiz ramadhan lagi thun depan sama2 kn. Go to Krk's Carnival together. But where are you? Hmm. Its okay. Apa bole buat la kn. I hope im just dreaming.

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